Best Deal TV, India’s first ever celebrity driven home shopping channel launched by Raj Kundra and Akshay Kumar have announced their association with is built with a mission to help connect women with their careers. With a difference made to over a million women, they share the best of opportunities services and quality to the aspirational woman audience.
The initiative was launched by Shilpa Shetty Kundra with an aim to support women wanting to earn money while working at their own convenience. The rapidly growing market has given women an opportunity to showcase their entrepreneurial skills.
Under this program, women aspiring to be financially independent can enroll in their Direct Channel Agents Program. An aspiring entrant will be required to invest a minimum of Rs 10000 and will be provided the catalogues and demo videos.
Speaking about this initiative, Shilpa Shetty Kundra, Chairperson- Best Deal TV stated” The initiative is extremely close to my heart as it aims at supporting every Indian woman who would like to be self-sufficient and their own boss. We are extremely delighted in associating with Sheroes as they closely work with the women of today who love to work on their own terms.
Akshay Kumar, Co-founder- Best Deal TV said” At Best Deal TV, we believe in creating equal opportunities for every woman who would like to hone her entrepreneurial skills. This initiative is all about appreciating the women who love to work at their own convenience and make some extra income. We hope to create jobs for thousands of ladies across India who look for financial independence or an additional source of income.”
Sairee Chahal, Founder and CEO, said, “We are thrilled at joining hands with BEST DEAL TV. The working terms and opportunities they offer to their brand experts are exactly what our member community seeks. The role in question is not only flexible and adaptable to the needs of mothers and homemakers but is also challenging and rewarding, making it an ideal blend of what the driven and grounded woman professional of today desires.”
About Best Deal TV
Founded by Bollywood Superstar Akshay Kumar & Raj Kundra Best Deal TV™ is a novel concept and is India’s first celebrity-driven 24/7 home shopping channel. The success of this channel is in the unique business model, which combines focused multi-channel sales with integrated marketing, media and distribution through the power of well-known Indian celebrities. Best Deal TV specializes in sourcing quality products with categories like Home, Fashion and Lifestyle and pairing them with celebrities who will promote them direct to the consumers via the 24/7 channel. For more information please visit
About SHEROES.IN is the career destination for women in India. It offers the largest Opportunity Scape for women seeking options at various life stages. offers the most diverse range of engagement formats to women including corporate jobs, returning professionals programs, partner programs, work from home jobs, part time work, freelancing, franchising, mompreneur programs and internship programs. Over 6000 companies use to be connected with talented women professionals. partners actively with the startup eco-system to enhance entrepreneurial connect to women. The Community has access to high growth career resources, mentorship and support. engages with businesses to help them connect with female talent in the form of employees, partners, customers and business owners. Meet us at
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