Wednesday, January 19, 2011

BWI: Magazine for Hyderabad Police “The Hyderabad Protector” Launched

Press release from Business Wire India
Source: The Hyderabad Protector
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 05:47 PM IST (12:17 PM GMT)
Editors: General: Consumer interest; Business: Advertising, PR & marketing, Business services, Media & entertainment
Magazine for Hyderabad Police "The Hyderabad Protector" Launched

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, Wednesday, January 19, 2011 -- (Business Wire India) -- A bi-monthly magazine, titled THE HYDERABAD PROTECTOR, brought out exclusively for the Hyderabad Police, was launched at Police Mess, Masab Tank, Hyderabad on 19 January 2011 by a publishing house in a major initiative to help connect the cops with the public.

The magazine, published by New Media in association with the Hyderabad Police, is aimed at presenting the law enforcing authorities in a right perspective.

Hyderabad Police is one of the most advanced police force and there are several modernisation plans in the pipe line says the commissioner of police Mr. A.K. Khan, while launching the magazine.

In his address Commissioner of Police A.K. Khan said: "We need to adopt technology, upgrade staff skill, and revolutionise working procedures. The social fabric of Hyderabad is still very strong as different communities live well together. We need to strengthen it. THE HYDERABAD PROTECTOR reflects this commitment and the values that the police force stands for."
The 74-page high quality full-colour publication carries a detailed story of the history of Hyderabad Police which had its origin in the year 1847. It traces the fascinating story of the evolution of Hyderabad Police over a period spanning more than 160 years.

One of the highlights of the inaugural issue is the interview with Hyderabad's Commissioner of Police A.K. Khan, who talks about the law and order situation in the fast expanding city.
The Hyderabad Protector reflects the true spirit and motto of the Hyderabad police - "Freedom From Fear Forever"

"Our intention is to make every issue of THE HYDERABAD PROTECTOR a collectors' number, informative as well as educative," said New Media's Managing Editor Satya Swaroop.

"Our aim is to project the Hyderabad Police in a right perspective and to act as an effective means of communication between the police and the public," said Swaroop, adding, "Although the content for the magazine is generated with the help of Hyderabad Police, the onus of responsibility for its presentation lies with New Media."

The other highlights of the magazine include a research report on human trafficking, funded by the National Human Rights Commission of India (NHRC), which throws light on one of the major issues affecting the society.

An investigative report unravels the ways and means used by hackers who are experts in cloning your credit card for using them in online transactions or trading. The report also touches how thieves hack in to your bank accounts.

There is a feature on drug abuse by the young professional from the corporate world, women frequenting lounge bars, call centre employees at Hi Tech city and students in high pressure courses.

There are reports on the new initiatives taken by the Hyderabad Police in Computerized Operations for Police Services or eCOPS, conceptualised in order to computerise

We also carry a write up on the traffic congestion of the city. Hyderabad has a heterogeneous traffic pattern, Traffic management gets chaotic during rush hour and can be a nightmare with over speeding cars, reckless busses, slow pushcarts, jostling for road space with little regard for road discipline.

There are investigative reports on women drivers, Nigerian frauds, cyber cafes, and fake ticket rackets. There is also a photo feature on Hyderabad.

"We trust the maiden issue of THE PROTECTOR enlightens the readers as much as it helps them connect with the cops," said New Media's Satya Swaroop.

About New Media:

New Media is India's largest bilateral trade magazine publishing house based in Mumbai. Its magazines, of which three are published in association with the Export Import Bank of India, and others supported by various consulates and chambers of commerce, cover India's trade with as many as 125 countries across six continents.

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The Hyderabad Protector
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Satya Swaroop, Managing Editor, New Media, +91 9820031016,


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