Tuesday, July 28, 2015

BWI: Use These 8 Steps to Find a Job That Makes You Happy: Monster.com

Source : Monster India Pvt. Ltd.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 10:00AM IST (4:30AM GMT)
Use These 8 Steps to Find a Job That Makes You Happy: Monster.com
Life is too short to be boring. Find a job that makes you happy
New Delhi, Delhi, India

With this 8-step formula you can find the job that you’d love to go to everyday:
1. Find out what you are good at
Every person has some talent or the other. Make a list of what you are good at – this will give you a list of your talents. This list is the starting point for choosing the right career.
2. Find out what you like doing
The twist is that the things you are good at may not be the thing you like doing. So also make a list of the things that you like doing. The items that appear in both List 1 and List 2 are possibly the things you should consider a career in.  Simple, eh!
But before you read on, have a look at Zohaib’s story of finding his true calling. It’s about getting the hints right like Zohaib did. Check out the video below:


Zohaib grew up around bikes. His love for bikes made him an expert among his friends and family. Any questions on bikes - Engine. Mods. Design. Power. And he had an answer for it. He then completed his Mechanical Engineering and started working in a large unit of a manufacturing company. But then his love for bikes took him to a company that builds bikes. Now he designs, builds and tests bikes.

With MonsterIndia.com Zohaib has found what he loves to do. Have you? 
3. Figure out your personality type
Knowing your personality type will give you a good idea about the professions that suit your temperament best. Understand who you are, before you decide to take the plunge.
4. Choose a work environment that works for you
Your personality type will also help determine the work environment that is best for you.  Basic things such as - Are you an indoor type or prefer to be outside? Know what works for you.
5. How posh do you want life to be?
It is very important to know your material and lifestyle aspirations. You may be suited to a job in the social sector, but will it pay you enough to sustain the lifestyle you want to lead? Know what is important for you.
6. Research. Research. Research.
Based on answers to the above questions, make a list of careers that are most suitable for you. Then research the sectors/industries and companies that offer such careers. Read up about the history of the sectors, their trends and opportunities.
7. Find someone already working in a similar job. Speak to them.
Tap into your social network and ask your friends to put you in touch with people that have similar jobs. Let them tell you how it works and decide whether it would work for you.
8. Get cracking on your job search.
You are now ready to look for a job. Check out job search sites  and company websites for relevant vacancies. There are many jobs out there that are not advertised but filled up through referrals so spread the word with friends. C’mon, get going!
Any job can be yours as long as you love what you do!

Find your way to the profession you love  (http://bit.ly/1SyzwOr) #MonsterMyJob. Millions of jobs. Find yours.

Photo Caption: Do you love what you do? #MonsterMyJob

Media Contact Details

Priyanka Sharma Kaintura, Head – PR (India, ME, SEA) Monster.com, , priyankasharma@monsterindia.com


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