Friday, May 23, 2014

BWI: Roposo.Com – The Social Network for Fashion Addicts Launched

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Friday, May 23, 2014 4:00PM IST (10:30AM GMT)
Roposo.Com – The Social Network for Fashion Addicts Launched
Recommending Products Socially
New Delhi, Delhi, India

Relevant E-solutions, today announced the launch of, India’s first fashion-focused social network, creating the ultimate destination for women to discover trending fashion from other fashion-lovers and play with shoppable products from across the web.

Co-Founder Avinash Saxena expresses his vision for “We have put together a giant online playroom with over 1 Lakh fashion products, and are creating a hang-out for fashion addicts around it. Today, there is no single place for a woman to find what’s available, what’s trending, what her friends are shopping, and what will best suit her taste. Roposo is all of that, and more. We help fashion-lovers discover the fashionista in them, give them freedom to play with products any way they like, and share their love of all things fashionable with their friends.”

So far, has tied-up with over 100 web-stores to showcase the largest variety of trendy clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, jewellery and lingerie. It aim is to cover the entire universe of fashion by rapidly tying-up with more stores, and eventually crowd-sourcing fashion products. has a number of unique features that make discovering fashion highly intuitive. The Roposo Color Palette assists users in picking trends by looking at the colour and visually responding to them (rather than searching for the word ‘lilac’). Users can explore fashion by mood (‘sexy’) or by taste (‘simple’) or even by trend (‘with spikes’). Even without having to spell what she wants, a user can discover fashion by browsing through curated collections (called ‘lists’) made by other users. Lists can be very creative, for example, one named “OrgAnic Gaps” by Kanistha Saha Choudhury (

Co-Founder Kaushal Shubhank, said: “We specialise in understanding what makes playing with fashion so enjoyable for women and it is this experience we elevate using technology. Every single feature on the front-end is designed to make Roposo fun and social. So far, Roposo was in beta and had an amazing response from users and bloggers – women were creating fresh lists every 10 mins! Today the website is officially open to all. So women, beware - Roposo is going to become a dangerously addictive time-sink for you!”

The freedom to create dream wardrobes (plan your look for a date, a brunch or even a boardroom meeting) and get instant feedback from your friends and other users makes Roposo a fun place to hangout and have a conversation around fashion everyday.

Co-Founder Mayank Bhangadia added, “The reason we decided to create a social network for fashion was because we were looking to solve a complicated problem using technology and data. Nobody has dared to claim that they understand how a woman’s mind works when it comes to fashion, but this is what us 3 ‘fashion geeks’ are determined to do.”
Log in to for your daily fashion fix!

About is a fashion focused social-network that allows women to discover and shop new products and trends are liked, curated, personalized and updated every day from across online brands and e-commerce portals. is the brainchild of three IIT Delhi alumni, Mayank Bhangadia, Avinash Saxena (ex CTO of and Kaushal Shubhank. is a brand of Relevant E-solutions and is headquartered in Gurgaon. For more information, visit

About Investors:

  • India Quotient:
Started in June 2012 by Anand Lunia, India Quotient began with a motive of funding pre-revenue early stage companies. Having 5 companies in their portfolio currently and with aggressive plans to follow, India Quotient has announced the close of its first fund raise amounting to INR 25 crores. They invest in very early stage startups - companies that are still discovering a revenue model, pricing, product or strategy. 
  • 5 ideas Start up Fuel:

Startup Superfuel is  a seed stage fund that provides early stage tech start-ups a blend of human, financial and social capital managed by Pearl Uppal (ex-CEO of Fashion and You) and Gaurav Kachru (ex-CEO of Deals and You).   

  • Binny Bansal, Co-Founder Angel investment.

Photo Caption: Founders – Kaushal Shubhank (L), Avinash Saxena (Middle), Mayank Bhangadia (R)

Media Contact Details

Madhurima Borah, ActiMedia Private Limited, ,+91-8860261044 ,

Iqra Imtiyaz, ActiMedia Private Limited, ,+91-9718008042 ,


KEYWORDS: Business/ Finance:Advertising, PR & marketing, Business Services, Clothing & Accessories, Retailers;General:Consumer interest, Fashion, Lifestyle


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