Thursday, December 6, 2012

BWI: 2012 Vacation Deprivation Study: India Climbs Up a Rank, Emerges as the 4th Most Vacation Deprived Nation

Press release from Business Wire India
Thursday, December 06, 2012 02:50 PM IST (09:20 AM GMT)
Editors: General: Entertainment, Lifestyle, People, Travel & tourism; Business: Business services, Information technology, Media & entertainment, Travel & tourism; Technology
-------------------------------------------------- 2012 Vacation Deprivation Study: India Climbs Up a Rank, Emerges as the 4th Most Vacation Deprived Nation
While bosses have become more supportive of employees taking leave globally, 60% Indians cancelled or postponed their vacation plans due to work this year

New Delhi, Delhi, India, Thursday, December 06, 2012 -- (Business Wire India) --®, the world's largest online travel agency, today released the results of the 2012 Vacation Deprivation study, an annual analysis of vacation habits across multiple countries and continents. Per the vacation deprivation survey, India has climbed up one position to be 4th most vacation deprived nation from 5th position last year, while Japan keeps its No 1 position. The poll was carried out online amongst 8,687 employed people across 22 countries.

Spokesperson Quote: "Vacations play an important role in relaxing and re-energizing the employees while enhancing their motivation & productivity. Expedia strongly believes that vacations are an essential part of a healthy work life." said Mr. Manmeet Ahluwalia, Marketing Head, Expedia India. "In India, while the bosses have softened their stance on leaves from last year, the median numbers of leaves given have dropped significantly from 25 in 2011 to 20 this year. Indians still rank second globally in the number of people logging in during vacation with 47% checking regularly and 39% checking sometimes. These trends indicate the increasing levels of stress and further highlight the importance of a good break."

Appended are the detailed findings of the survey:

Work-life disparity widens further for Indians, while Europe leads the world in vacation days

-- Most Europeans have 25-30 days (median) of vacation each year

-- Asia has the least vacation days, lead by Korea and Taiwan employees with 10 days (median) a year

-- The median no of vacation days for Indians dropped by 5 days to 20 this year

-- The US employee lost two more days compared with 2011 - down to 12 days (median) - while Japan gained 2

-- A significant portion of employees across continents receive NO vacation days: US, 18%; Japan, 17%; Canada, 16%; Australia, 16%

-- Japan tops the list with max- 62% unused vacation days followed by Korea (30%) while India is tied for 4th position (Australia) with 25% vacation days unused

-- Taiwanese employees also receive a lower number of days (10 median), but that doesn't stand in the way of them taking 2 additional vacation days, than allotted

Why are Indians vacation deprived? Coordination & planning

-- 37% Indians prefer the option to accumulate days; 31% Indians are not able to coordinate and 23% are vacation deprived due to lack of planning

-- As in 2011, Indian employees are most likely to fear important decisions will occur in their absence which is the highest globally at 22%

-- Most employees in Italy, Taiwan, Korea & Japan don't receive positive affirmation from their boss

-- Can't afford to take holidays? 28% US citizens, 28% Koreans, 20% Japanese and 20% British

So you have a last minute assignment at work? Would that mean cancelling or postponing your planned vacation? Yes

-- Taiwan tops the list with 72% cancellations followed by Korea (67%), India (60%), and Brazil (59%)

-- Least amount of cancellations due to work seen in Netherlands and UK at 23% & 22% respectively

-- Work has "interfered" with 50% or more of employees in most Asia and Latin America surveyed

-- More than 7 in 10 Taiwanese employees have cancelled or postponed vacation for work reasons. (This may partially explain why they take 2 more days than given!)

Does your boss approve of your vacation? Yes!

-- Supportive bosses are a universal trend with highest in Brazil at 83% followed by India at 76%, Ireland & Spain at 75%, US & UK at 73%; bosses in Italy are the least supportive at 33%

-- In India the percentage of bosses supporting the employee's vacation has moved up from 72% last year to 76% in 2012

-- In countries with a higher percentage of vacation postponement due to work, the lack of positive affirmation from their managers is also higher

-- In Brazil and India bosses could be more supportive of vacation as these countries have higher number of employees regularly/sometimes logging-in for work even during their vacations

Can Indians truly let go during their vacations? No

-- Brazilian employees (66%) jump to the unfortunate first position - regularly checking-in while on vacation, followed by Indians at 55%, France at 53%, Mexico at 52%, Italy at 50% and Japan at 49%

-- India has one of the highest numbers of people checking in during vacations with 55% checking in regularly and 39% sometimes. Japan has a similar percentage, only the split is 49% to 51%

-- In US , 32% never check in, 34% regularly do while in European countries , employees completely let go, hardly ever checking in, with the exception of France

-- Majority of employees are able to leave work behind only after they have reached their vacation destination

-- On the other hand, more than 50% of German, English and Danish vacationers have no such problem - they never check in!

So what would be your holiday preference? Beach, romantic or outdoor? Summer/winter/fall or spring?

-- Indians prefer a balance of both Beaches (32%) and Romantic destinations (33%) for their vacations

-- Beaches remain clearly the most preferred across US, Latin America and Europe

-- Koreans appear to be the most romantic at 45% followed by India (33%), Taiwan (25%) and Japan (20%) while Singapore remains balanced in their choices

-- Taiwanese employees (28%) prefer the great outdoors to any other vacation, and a city holiday appeals more to those from Singapore (22%), Malaysia (19%) and Taiwan (19%)

-- Koreans, on the other hand, continue to shun the city holiday - just as they did in 2011

-- Summers were universally voted as the most preferred season for vacation except Singapore, which saw more than 31% people preferring to holiday in winters.

-- Fall seemed fairly popular in US and South Korea while Winter in Singapore and India

-- 48% Indians holiday in summers and 31% in winters while 27% from Singapore prefer travelling in Spring

Be my mate!

-- People in India traveled with friends most at 41%, more than their counterparts in other countries while a large number- 58% traveled with family

-- Koreans mostly travel with family or spouse/partner (both at 39%)

-- Travelers from APAC, US, European countries and Latin America prefer to travel with either their Family or Spouse

For Info graphic, click here.


Harris Interactive® fielded the online survey on behalf of Expedia between September 13 and October 12, 2012 among a global cross-section of 8,687 employed adults aged 16+ in 22 countries (including 602 in India). The data were weighted to be representative of the total adult population on the basis of gender, age, region and household income.

Beedisha Chakrabarti, Text 100, +91 9899003192
Swati Guwalani, Text 100, +91 9873220117
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