Press release from Business Wire India
Source: Louis Berger Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 01:42 PM IST (08:12 AM GMT)
Editors: General: Consumer interest, Economy, Environment, People, Social issues; Business: Advertising, PR & marketing, Healthcare, biotechnology & pharmaceutical, Water
Gearing up to Meet Challenges in Waste Water Management with Cutting Edge Solutions Say's Mr. Satyakam Mohanty, Managing Director, Louis Berger Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Water Resource Management - Need of the hour!
New Delhi, Delhi, India, Tuesday, December 20, 2011 -- (Business Wire India) -- About three-fourth or seventy five per cent of the earth's surface is covered with world oceans.However, the fresh water constitutes a very small proportion with 2.7per cent of the total water available on the earth. What is effectively available for consumption and other uses is a small proportion of the quantity available in rivers, lakes and groundwater.
Therefore, there is urgent call for water resources development andmanagement as most of the water is not available for use and secondly it is characterized by its highly uneven spatial distribution.
The importance of water has been recognized and greater emphasis is being laid on its economic use and better management. We all know water is essential for socio-economic development andfor maintaining healthy ecosystems.
Properly managed water resources are a critical component of growth,poverty reduction and equity.The livelihoods of the poorest are critically associated with accessto water services.With higher rates of urbanization, increasing demand for drinkingwater will put stress on existing water sources.As energy demand is on the rise, hydropower will need to be a keycontributor to clean energy production.Floods and droughts will continue to threaten farmer livelihoods and
lowland economies.
Therefore, the need arises for Water Resources Management that aims at optimizing the available natural water flows, including surfacewater and groundwater, to satisfy these competing needs.
Adding uncertainty, climate change will increase the complexity ofmanaging water resources. In some parts of the world, there will bemore available water but in other parts, including the developing world, there will be less. Rivers across the world are gradually becoming environmentally safe to water stressed to water scare. Integrated Water Resources Management is need of the day for maintaining ecological flow / environmental. The task at hand is to make the wastewater useable.
Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality byanthropogenic influence.It comprises liquid waste discharged by domestic residences,commercial properties, industry, and/or agriculture and can encompassa wide range of potential contaminants and concentrations.
Says Mr.Satyakam Mohanty , Vice President & Managing Director , Louis Berger Consulting Pvt. Ltd."Selection of treatment technology (unit operation and processes) primarily depends on the untreated wastewater characteristics and levels of various parameters in treated effluent. Degree of treatment is decided based the treated water quality standards required for recycled water use and the influent parameters. The performance indicators of treatment technologies are based on mainly TSS, BOD and Total Coliform for domestic wastewater."
Most wastewater is treated in industrial-scale wastewater treatmentplants (WWTPs) which may include physical, chemical and biologicaltreatment processes. Industrial wastewater is treated common effluent treatment plan and domestic waste in sewage treatment plant. However, the use of septic tanks and other On-Site Sewage Facilities(OSSF) is widespread in rural areas.The conventionally adoptedaerobic treatment system is the activated sludgeprocess, based on the maintenance and recirculation of a complexbiomass composed by micro-organisms able to absorb and adsorb theorganic matter carried in the wastewater. According to Mr.Mohanty "The sequential batch reactor is an advance treatment process which provides excellent process control over a wide range of growth by varying the operating strategy in Aerobic or Anoxic conditions. This process has been adoptedin the Goa Water Supply and Sewerage Project", a project being managed by a consortium of Nihon Suido and Louis Berger". Anaerobic processes are widely applied in the treatment of industrial wastewaters and biological sludge containing high BOD and COD concentration. Some wastewater may be highly treated and reused as reclaimed water.For some waste waters ecological approaches using reed bed systemssuch as constructed wetlands may be appropriate.
Mr.Mohanty suggests "Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) is an advanced and modern wastewater treatment technology and comes as a package plant of various capacities and can reduce the BOD and TSS below 5 mg/l level. The technology of membrane activated sludge is the combination of an activated sludge treatment together with a separation of the sludge interstitial water, the permeate, or micro-filtrate, by micro or ultra-filtration membrane with pore size of typically 10 nm to 0.5µm."
Modern systems include tertiary treatment by micro filtration orsynthetic membranesas well as ultra- filtration such as Reverse Osmosis which is becoming more and more feasible. After membrane filtration and with necessary disinfection, the treated wastewater is indistinguishablefrom waters of natural origin ofdrinking quality.Nitrates can be removed from wastewater by microbial denitrification,for which a small amount of methanol is typically added to provide thebacteria with a source of carbon.
Ozone Waste Water Treatment is also growing in popularity, andrequires the use of an ozone generator, which decontaminates the water as Ozone bubbles percolate through the tank.Disposal of wastewaters from an industrial plant is a difficult and costly problem. "Now-a-days, even water treatment plants for municipal water supply are increasingly designed with sludge treatment process such as sludge thickening and dewatering / dehydration units to reduce suspended solids from the effluent discharging to the water bodies, which is the case in the Louis Berger managed JICA financed Guwahati water supply project."
About Mr. Satyakam Mohanty, MD:
Satyakam Mohanty, Managing Director of the billion dollar Berger Group's Indian subsidiary, Louis Berger Consulting Pvt. Ltd., oversees the company's nearly $35 million operations in India. Satyakam's career has involved feasibility, institutional and capacity building studies, management, business development, strategy and operations. Satyakam, who holds dual post graduate degrees in business administration and construction management, has been instrumental in the development and growth of this US engineering consulting group's operations in India and South Asia over the past 14 years.
Satyakam's initial assignments included, inter-alia, a $300m urban infrastructure project in Rajasthan; feasibility studies for $200m national highway project in Uttar Pradesh; institutional studies to set up pilot corridor management units for operations and maintenance of highways in India; capacity building component for a municipal services project in Bangladesh; and feasibility studies for road projects in Gujarat. Besides India, he has had work stints in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, France, Panama and the United States.
Satyakam continues to manage a variety of projects as part of Berger's Indian operations today across sectors including highways, water supply and sewerage, buildings, airports, and metro/rail. Significant projects underway include the master planning for the new Goa International Airport at MOPA; Independent Engineering services for the Hyderabad Metro Rail project; Project Management Component of the Guwahati Water Supply Project; and Independent Engineering on the Hyderabad Outer Ring Road.
Neha Kamra Sachdeva, Blink Relations, +91 9910362197,
Sunil Singh, Blink Relations, +91 9899161154,
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