Friday, May 6, 2011

BWI: Breaking the Mould with New-Age Book Authoring

Press release from Business Wire India
Source: Kartik Iyengar
Friday, May 06, 2011 10:00 AM IST (04:30 AM GMT)
Editors: General: Consumer interest, Entertainment, People, Social issues; Business: Advertising, PR & marketing, Business services, Information technology, Publishing & printing, Retailers; Technology
Breaking the Mould with New-Age Book Authoring

Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Friday, May 06, 2011 -- (Business Wire India) -- Barely a month since release, New-generation author & corporate professional, Kartik Iyengar is creating waves with his first Book "Horn OK Please - HOPping to Conclusions".

Having sold over 12,000 copies of his first book in a series of five within a month across the globe, Kartik's fan base comprises thousands of 'HOPpers' (fans) on his facebook page who are picking up many copies of his first book to help a Social cause. Priced at Rs. 100, the self-published book has been printed at an orphanage. The author has dedicated 50% of his profits to two causes that drive education and security for women and children of India and Tibet.

It doesn't get more India 2.0 than it does with Kartik Iyengar, he is unorthodox and spells his name without an 'H', he does a complicated job in a software company and he is not happy with the mediocre. The man can talk his way into a restaurant that is shut and even get you service, a couple of drinks and a bite to eat in the bargain.

Call it pushy or what you will, the author of "Horn Ok Please: HOPping To Conclusions" is a force that proves techies have a sense of humor. There is no middle ground in the way you feel about him - you either love him or hate him, but with his book in your face and the Facebook phenomenon that he has become you cannot ignore him.

Extreme, raw humor:

Speaking to Catherine Rhea Roy from The Hindu, Kartik said,"The book is about urban India and all those things we have been taught not to do," he says with a glint in his eye which being an urban Indian I understood without further explanation. Kartik's book is about nothing. An arbitrary rambling of his travel-bug bitten heart, with support and input from his Hoppers, as his fans on Facebook and everywhere else are fondly called. "I am heavily addicted to the social media, and it is only because of the leverage that these outlets and my fans on these portals have given me that I had sold 10,000 copies even before the book was out."

A Social Media phenomenon:

With over 100,000 visits to his fan page on facebook every day, Kartik has personally many copies the globe. With over 100,000 visitors to his facebook fan page everyday (, the techie author singularly drives a mash-up application front-ended by a fan-page that takes care of Ordering, Logistics, Supply-Chain, Social CRM, Financials and Analytics. The book authoring Social Media project is being completely driven on Facebook,, SAP Business Objects, Android, iPad & Googleapps. Also available as an eBook on Amazon Kindle around the world, Kartik is betting on this segment to reach out to a world-wide audience that thrives on technology. "Anytime, anywhere in the world, I am delivering the Holy 'Blook' of morons (as he likes to call his book), wireless and secure. Just buy it off Kindle and I'll reach you on your Blackberry, iPad, Kindle, laptop or any device, anytime. You can run but you cannot hide", he says.

It was the Hoppers who helped him price the book, figure out the content and even helped him write his last chapter which has quotes from fans across the world. One could choose to read the book from front to back or in reverse and still be assured it wouldn't make any sense. "This is the world's greatest loo book, or 'blook', it was keeping this in mind that the cover has a roll of toilet paper on it." The cover also shows his noisy jeep, his gadgets and his lucky number 69.

With a straight face Kartik explains: "My lucky number 69 speaks of the perfect balance between work and life," and he quickly adds "Among other things."

Kartik has a one-point agenda with his book, to make people smile, and his book guarantees it in all varieties, starting from the silent kind to the chuckling, guffawing and rip-roaring laughter kind.

"If I was a nobody before the book, after this book I am the biggest nobody. I introduce myself as a moron and have put my moronic thoughts in this book where thinking is prohibited. Thinking constipates the mind so I say dream, and Freud was a fool," he says one after the other letting his staccato thoughts come out on the record.

Is he worried about the critics? "Who are they going to criticise, me or 100,000 people out there? Go ahead make my day," he grins.

Kartik's book opens with a foreword by the Dalai Lama, a note by the sage telling the world why the book should be a success. The book is also driven by charity starting from the publishing which has happened at an orphanage to the 50 percent of the profits which he has pledged to the two charities' he is a part of. In "Horn Ok Please" Kartik chronicles his travels along with his merry men across the country all the way to Ladakh.

It was during this trip that he met the Dalai Lama and he even sponsored two girl children from the Tibetan Children's Village.

"Imagine being an orphan with no motherland and that's why I chose Tibet. My cause has always been women and children, and cancer, and that's how I got associated with Mahesh Memorial Home in Chennai, where they help people live through cancer and beyond it."

Kartik's background as a techie who deals with cloud computing, social media and every other geeky thing in the world contributed to the book.

His next book has been titled "Horn Ok Please: The Scrotum Scrolls" and Scrotum tentatively stands for Society Of Compulsive Roadhogs Out To Underline Total Moronisms. Kartik signs out to go write his blook *Smack!!*

Successful charity cause with Horn OK Please:

- Girl-child education sponsorship for the Tibetan SOS Village (
- Cancer cure for the poor at Mahesh Memorial Trust (
- Generating business for an Orpahanage by printing every copy of the book (

Source: The Hindu

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HOP Cover
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Kartik Iyengar, +91 9742267944,


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