Monday, February 21, 2011

BWI: TERI in Consonance with BREDA kick-starts the first ever country-wide Training Program to Train Prospective Solar Technicians for Installation and after Sales Service of Solar Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Projects

Press release from Business Wire India
Source: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
Monday, February 21, 2011 12:35 PM IST (07:05 AM GMT)
Editors: General: People; Business: Business services, Education & training, Energy companies
TERI in Consonance with BREDA kick-starts the first ever country-wide Training Program to Train Prospective Solar Technicians for Installation and after Sales Service of Solar Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Projects

Patna, Bihar, India, Monday, February 21, 2011 -- (Business Wire India) -- The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), based on its experience in implementing off grid solar lantern programme under its flagship project Lighting a Billion Lives Campaign, in consonance with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, under their Human resource development programme, and BREDA kick-started a country wide training program to train prospective solar technicians for installation and after sales service of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal projects under the Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM), at Patna, from 21st February 2011 to 26th February, 2011.

The training which will be conducted by TERI and BREDA officials will be done at two levels - (1) Training Officers and (2) Instructors from Advanced Training Institutes, under Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGET). The latter category is expected to further train the ITI students as part of their trade/courses and prospective solar technicians for field related activities in the installation and after sales service of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal projects. The involvement of the ITI component under the Mission is expected to pave way for incorporation of renewable energy courses, from this year onwards, in the regular curricula of the ITIs.

The overall aim of the programme is to achieve the twin objectives of contributing to the country's long term energy security and its ecologically sustainable growth under the 'Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission' (JNNSM) that was launched in the year 2010. The focus of JNNSM is on creating an enabling environment for solar technology penetration in the country both at centralized and decentralized (off grid) levels.

TERI's approach towards training as part of its LaBL initiative has been at the multi-stakeholder level-the initiative imparts training at the user, operator and partner NGO levels to ensure overall sustainability. In the last two years, TERI has organized about 60 such programmes, to train and sensitize users (called LaBL Choupal); charging station operators (called Prakashdoot Prashikshan); and also developed institutional capacity of grassroots NGOs (called Aao Saath Chalein), in implementing decentralized solar programmes.

In this first of its kind programme, TERI will be focusing on two distinct set of participants -- Training Officers and Instructors from Advanced Training Institutes -- to facilitate the overall goal of creating about 30, 000 trained solar technicians under phase-1 of JNNSM. Subsequently in association with the Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGET), TERI shall be organizing countrywide training programs at different locations such as Kanpur, Ludhiana, Kolkata, Mumbai, Jamshedpur etc.

Talking on the, which is the first of its kind, Mr. Shafat Sultan Marazi, Senior Manager, TERI said, "Apart from providing technical support both during and after installation, solar technicians can also act as rural level solar integrators to disseminate various solar applications in rural areas not only for their livelihood, but also to contribute towards the overall goal of the mission. Their added role will greatly assist in creating 'the paradigm shift needed for commoditization of off-grid decentralized solar applications', as envisaged under the off-grid and decentralized applications scheme of the JNNSM. We are grateful to MNRE and BREDA for the support they have provided."

This programme uniquely addresses the call for simultaneous and corresponding balance in the technically qualified human resources in the solar sector, especially the rural areas. To meet the rapid and large-scale diffusion of solar energy envisaged in the JNNSM, there is a need to engage rural workforce like technicians for undergoing training programmes and specialized courses to meet the requirement of skilled manpower for field installations and after sales service network to meet this challenge.

Varun Gaur, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), +91 9899618985,
Rajiv Chhibber, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), +91 9810426698,


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